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two spheres

Welcome to my web page! My name is Hendrik Herrmann and I am currently holding a postdoc position at the Bergische University of Wuppertal (BUW) in the research group Complex Analysis of Prof. Dr. Nikolay Shcherbina.

From September 2013 till September 2018 I was a member of the working group of Prof. Dr. George Marinescu at the Universiy of Cologne where I graduated in September 2018 about "Bergman Kernel Asymptotics for Partially Positive Line Bundles".

The fields of my research include Bergman and Szegö kernels and their relation to Complex Geometry and CR Geometry. Mainly I am interested in Bergman kernel asymptotic expansion and the embedding of CR manifolds.


Complex Geometry: Bergman kernels, zeros of random holomorphic sections, Toeplitz quantization

CR Analysis: Szegö kernels, embedding of CR manifolds, Sasakian manifolds



  • H. Herrmann, C.-Y. Hsiao, G. Marinescu, W.-C. Shen
    Induced Fubini-Study metrics on strictly pseudoconvex CR manifolds and zeros of random CR functions
    preprint arXiv:2401.09143 (2024).
  • H. Herrmann, C.-Y. Hsiao, G. Marinescu, W.-C. Shen
    Semi-classical spectral asymptotics of Toeplitz operators on CR manifolds
    preprint arXiv:2303.17319 (2023).
  • K. Fritsch, H. Herrmann, C.-Y. Hsiao
    G-equivariant embedding theorems for CR manifolds of high codimension
    Mich. Math. J., 71 (2022), 765-808.
  • H. Herrmann, C.-Y. Hsiao, X. Li
    Szegö kernels and equivariant embedding theorems for CR manifolds
    Math. Res. Lett., 29 (2022), 193-246.
  • Y. Stepanov, H. Herrmann, T. Guhr
    Generic features in the spectral decomposition of correlation matrices
    J. Math. Phys., 62 (2021), 083505.
  • H. Herrmann, X. Li
    Morse inequalities and embeddings for CR manifolds with circle action
    Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica (N.S.), 15 (2020), 93-122.
  • H. Herrmann, C.-Y. Hsiao, X. Li
    Torus equivariant Szegö kernel asymptotics on strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds
    Acta Math Vietnam, 45 (2020), 113–135.
  • T. Bayraktar, D. Coman, H. Herrmann, G. Marinescu
    A survey on zeros of random holomorphic sections
    Dolomites Res. Notes Approx., 11 (2018), 1-19.
  • H. Herrmann, C.-Y. Hsiao, X. Li
    An explicit formula for Szegö kernels on the Heisenberg group
    Acta. Math. Sin.-English Ser., 34 (2018), 1225-1247.
  • H. Herrmann, C.-Y. Hsiao, X. Li
    Szegö kernel asymptotic expansion on strongly pseudoconvex CR manifolds with S1 action
    Int. J. Math., (2018), 1850061.
  • H. Herrmann, C.-Y. Hsiao, X. Li
    Szegö kernel expansion and embedding of Sasakian manifolds
    Ann. Glob. Anal. Geom., 52 (2017), 313-340.



  • H. Herrmann
    Bergman Kernel Asymptotics for Partially Positive Line Bundles
    PH.D. Thesis (2019), available at KUPS
  • H. Herrmann
    Bergman Kernels in C^n
    Master Thesis (2013)
  • H. Herrmann
    Der Indexsatz von Poincare-Hopf
    Bachelor Thesis (2011)



  • Turgay Bayraktar
  • Dan Coman
  • Kevin Fritsch
  • Thomas Guhr
  • Chin-Yu Hsiao
  • Xiaoshan Li
  • George Marinescu
  • Wei-Chuan Shen
  • Yuriy Stepanov

Summer Term 2024

  • Assistent for the lecture "Funktionentheorie" (Complex Analysis in one variable, part I)
  • Exercise class "Komplexe Analysis I" (Complex Analysis in several variables, part I)

Winter Term 2023/2024

  • Lecture "Elemente der komplexen Analysis" (Complex Analysis in one variable, part II)

Summer Term 2023

  • Assistent for the lecture "Funktionentheorie" (Complex Analysis in one variable, part I)
  • Exercise class "Komplexe Analysis I" (Complex Analysis in several variables, part I)

Winter Term 2022/2023

  • Lecture "Komplexe Analysis II" (Complex Analysis in several variables, part II)

Summer Term 2022

  • Lecture "Komplexe Analysis I" (Complex Analysis in several variables, part I)

Winter Term 2021/2022

  • Exercise class "Elemente der komplexen Analysis" (Complex Analysis in one variable, part II)
  • Seminar "Analysis"

Summer Term 2021

  • Lecture "Mathematik 2/IB für Maschinenbau und Sicherheitstechnik" (Mathematics for engineers, part II)
  • Lecture "Stochastik für Sicherheitstechnik" (Stochastic for engineers)

Winter Term 2020/2021

  • Lecture "Mathematik 1/IA für Maschinenbau und Sicherheitstechnik" (Mathematics for engineers, part I)
  • Seminar "Analysis"

Summer Term 2020

  • Lecture "Komplexe Analysis I" (Complex Analysis in several variables, part I)

Winter Term 2019/2020

  • Exercise class "Elemente der komplexen Analysis" (Complex Analysis in one variable, part II)
  • Tutorium "Analysis II"

Summer Term 2019

  • Lecture "Komplexe Analysis II" (Complex Analysis in several variables, part II)

Winter Term 2018/2019

  • Exercise class "Elemente der komplexen Analysis" (Complex Analysis in one variable, part II)


Summer Term 2018

  • Assistent for the lecture "Funktionentheorie" (Complex Analysis in one variable, part I)
  • Seminar "Riemannsche Flächen" (Riemann surfaces)

Winter Term 2017/2018

  • Assistent for the lecture "Gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen" (ODE)

Summer Term 2017

  • Assistent for the lecture "Funktionentheorie" (Complex Analysis in one variable, part I)
  • Assistent for the lecture "Komplexe Geometrie II" (Complex Geometry, part II)

Winter Term 2016/2017

  • Lecture "Höhere Mathematik" (Advanced Mathematics)
  • Assistent for the lecture "Analysis III" (Submanifolds and measure theory in the euclidean space)
  • Assistent for the lecture "Komplexe Geometrie I" (Complex Geometry, part I)

Summer Term 2016

  • Seminar "Riemannsche Flächen" (Riemann surfaces)
  • Assistent for the lecture "An introduction to complex analytic geometry: Bergman kernel and Demailly’s Morse inequalities"


  • Tutor for the lectures "Mathematics for Physicist I and II", "Analysis III", "Functional Analysis", "Function Theory"


  • Comparison of naive clustering algorithms (Java)
  • Efficient implementation of quantum compilers (Java)
  • Simulated annealing applied to partial differential equations (Java)
  • Artificial intelligence for “super simple poker” (Java)
  • Visualization of zeros of random polynomials (Scilab), jointly with Dr. Gerrit Herrmann
  • Monte Carlo methods for grouping problems (Java)
  • Connect 4 on Kleins bottle (JavaScript), jointly with Dr. Marc Kegel
  • Implementation of the electronic data acquisition for the webpage of the Collaborative Research Centre TRR 191 “Symplectic Structures in Geometry, Algebra and Dynamics” (HTML, JavaScript, PHP, SQL)
  • Machine Learning: AlphaZero methods applied to Connect 4 on Kleins bottle (Java), jointly with Dr. Gerrit Herrmann and Dr.-Ing. Roland Siegbert
  • Comparison between different implementations of arbitrary-precision arithmetic using the Weierstraß-(Durand-Kerner) method as an example (Java), jointly with Dr. Gerrit Herrmann
  • Visualization of the Toeplitz quantization in the complex plane (Scilab)
  • Implementation of artificial neural networks on GPUs (C, CUDA, Java, JCUDA), jointly with Dr. Gerrit Herrmann
  • Visualization of the learning process in artificial neural networks based on characteristic functions on the plane (Java, JCUDA), jointly with Dr. Gerrit Herrmann
  • Creation of randomized tasks for online exams (Java), jointly with Dr. Thomas Pawlaschyk
  • Implementation of the electronic data acquisition for the auditor appointing in mathematical study courses at the University of Wuppertal (Java, HTML)
  • Implementation of a quantum algorithm for adding two numbers (Cirq/Python), jointly with Dr.-Ing. Roland Siegbert

Dr. Hendrik Herrmann

Bergische Universität Wuppertal

Fakultät 4 - Mathematik und Naturwissenschaften

Gaußstraße 20, D-42119 Wuppertal


Office: G.15.11
Phone: +49 (0)202 439 3633
E-Mail: hherrmann at


You can also find me here